Giving Back

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Our events benefit non-profits that do good things in our community: promote bike advocacy, help the less fortunate experience the outdoors, and help our furry friends.

Some of the charities we have donated to include: CAN’d Aid, Boulder Open Space Conservancy, Bike Transportation Alliance, Boulder Humane Society, Challenged Athletes Foundation, Boys and Girls Club, Austin Sunshine Camps, Bike Works, Texas Bicycle Coalition, Wisconsin Association for Blind Athletes, and many more.

When it comes to our business practices, we practice what we preach. We ride our bikes to meetings as much as possible. All of our events incorporate a zero-waste program. Our event materials are sustainably produced and we do no allow any paper waste in our event packets. We work exclusively with companies that have sustainable business practices and work to promote these companies to our attendees since they are doing what’s right. These efforts are more expensive, but we just think it’s the right thing to do.